lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

Why food look so different to the pictures?

This is a big question that I think we all have because whenever we visit a fast food restaurant we have the burger, fries, pizza or tacos on the menu with a spectacular design that besides appetite us, we appreciate it so much we ask and when we see our real product ... we are disappointed.

Why is this happening? Plain and simple: Marketing. This powerful tool companies working to create and form a spectacular image of the products to visually attract customers and get them to buy and consume products according to sales targets. It makes sense that when we go to a store pizza, choose one that has a cascade of cheese when lifting a spatula and leaves everyone with an open mouth or a juicy burger chain Carl's with bacon, onion rings and a huge size you crave more. We will not ask which is tiny, discolored or that does not look at all the restaurants POP material.

The video clip I just insert below shows an experiment conducted by visiting the leading fast food stores asking employees to hand over the product as it is in the picture, what comes to need the manager to achieve the objective .

Hope you enjoy it and comment below what do you think :)

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